By Mahidre Andinet PR
ATLANTA, Georgia -- The renowned human rights activist Tamagne Beyne will address Ethiopians living in metro Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday March 9, 2013 on the current alarming situation in Ethiopia.
Tamagne who returned on Wednesday from a marathon fund raising events in Europe for ESAT will come to Atlanta as guest speaker on the occasion of 17th anniversary celebration of Mahidere-Andinet radio program.
According to the organizing committee, members of the Ethiopian Muslim community of metro Atlanta will join hands with their Christian brethren for a common cause of democracy and justice.
Mahidere-Andinet , a pioneer in Amharic broadcasting in Atlanta, has paved the way for others to follow suit. It has become a norm Representatives of the Muslim and Christian religions across the Ethiopian Diaspora
The 17th anniversary celebration of Mahidere -Andinet and the subsequent fund raising event "would be a remarkable and huge event" one observer noted, adding that Tamagene does not simply oppose the TPLF-led regime, bur uncovers the hard facts about the decadent administration in Addis Ababa.
ATLANTA, Georgia -- The renowned human rights activist Tamagne Beyne will address Ethiopians living in metro Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday March 9, 2013 on the current alarming situation in Ethiopia.
Tamagne who returned on Wednesday from a marathon fund raising events in Europe for ESAT will come to Atlanta as guest speaker on the occasion of 17th anniversary celebration of Mahidere-Andinet radio program.
According to the organizing committee, members of the Ethiopian Muslim community of metro Atlanta will join hands with their Christian brethren for a common cause of democracy and justice.
Mahidere-Andinet , a pioneer in Amharic broadcasting in Atlanta, has paved the way for others to follow suit. It has become a norm Representatives of the Muslim and Christian religions across the Ethiopian Diaspora
The 17th anniversary celebration of Mahidere -Andinet and the subsequent fund raising event "would be a remarkable and huge event" one observer noted, adding that Tamagene does not simply oppose the TPLF-led regime, bur uncovers the hard facts about the decadent administration in Addis Ababa.