Monday, August 19, 2013

Demonstration in Oslo Norway Aug 16 .2013 against TPLF regime Organized by Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Association in Norway

Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Association in Norway organized a demonstration in front of the Norwegian Foreign Affairs august 16,2013 against the TPLF regime in Ethiopia to condemn and Request donors and all members of the international community (including Norway) to re-evaluate the relationship with Ethiopian regime and put pressure on the regime to respect human rights, rule of law, and release all political prisoners, 
Strongly condemn collaboration of e.g., Chinese and Indian governments and investors in the massive fertile land grab and deforestation programme, evicting poor farmers, Condemn China’s collaboration with the Ethiopian regime in jamming and blocking independent media, like Voice of America (VOA), and the Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) and denying Ethiopian people access to alternative media, Call up on all Ethiopians and political and civic organizations working for democratic change in Ethiopia to come together and work I unison to realize democracy and rule of law in the country and Strongly condemn the Ethiopian regime interference of religion affairs. 
