Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
ETHIOPIA: LEGALLY CORRUPT By Dr Wondimu Mekonnen in House of Commons
The simplest definition of state corruption is the self-enrichment of government officials through the use of the power bestowed on them and state mechanism. In Ethiopia, the TPLF is a mafia type gang that is running its own Mafiosi economic empire, not the country as a legitimate caring government.
The country itself is up for sale, as long as there are buyers out there. That is why people in Gambella were to evicted and their land sold to Indian and Arab, Turkish, Pakistani Billionaires. Recently, the Ethiopian Government refused to cooperate with the World Bank when it was asked to investigate whether the World Bank violated its own policies by funding, in which thousands of people were allegedly relocated to make way for agricultural investors. The British Government actually knowingly or unknowingly funded a programme that evicted the tribes of the Lower Omo Valley in south west Ethiopia – chief among them the Mursi, the Nyangatom, the Bodi and the Daasanach, who depend on a combination of flood retreat cultivation on the banks of the Omo River, rain fed cultivation further back from the river, and cattle on the grass plains, again to make way for foreign agricultural investors. The land of the Amaras, Afars, Oromos and all over the country is up for a grab. Even Egypt secured herself 20, 000 acres of farmland. To imagine this, one acre is about 1 football stadium field. The money from the sale of land, in hard currency goes straight either to the pockets of individuals of those in powers or to the coffers of regime’s private money making institutions, such as the “The Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray”, EFFORT.
Ethiopia is full of ironies. Before the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF) became the “Government”, it was separatist rebel force, just like that of Eritrean Liberation Front with the aim of building the Future Republic of Tigray (dream map shown below). After successfully overthrowing the military regime of Lt Col. Mengistu Hailemariam, guerrilla leaders of TPLF helped Eritrea gain its independence but delayed their own, to finish some unfinished task of dismantling Ethiopia. Then they saw, the opportunity to amass any wealth from the South and move up to the North, to prosper their future Republic of Tigray, their ultimate goal. They never felt belongingness to Ethiopia. The mother of all ironies is that they are ruling the country and the people they hated so much at gun point. Therefore, expecting respect for human right from such a bunch of separatists is like expecting dove from a serpent’s egg. What would the British feels, if IRA end up being in charge of the Westminster to decide on the future of The United Kingdom? I leave that to your imagination.
Then another irony follows. Throughout the history of mankind, governments fought with neighbouring countries to expand their territories, but the government of Ethiopia fights with its own people to give land away to anybody outsider as long as the other party pays. The boarder land with the Sudan, including the birth Place of Emperor Theodros, whose son Prince Alemayehu Theodros’s body is lying right here in Britain at Windsor Castle has been given to the Sudanese after forcefully evicting the inhabitants, under gunpoint. That was in return of the Sudanese assistance while they were fighting the previous regime. A fertile farmland had to be taken away from Ethiopian farmers and given to a neighbouring country. When the Sudanese military came to take over the land, the farmers stood up to protect their property, fighting back bravely. However, their own government attacked them from behind in defence of the alien Sudanese military.
More than half of Ethiopia’s economy belongs to EFFORT, the Private property of Tigrian People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). From the remaining 50%, about 25% belongs to the Sheik Al Amoudi, an Ethiopian born Saudi Billionaire, who does business with them, probably stashing millions of dollars away for them in foreign banks. Then about 12.5% belongs to its satellite parties, while only 12:5% belongs to rest of 90 million people. When the regime declares the fast growing economy of the country, one should understand that actually it is meant the fast bulging pocket of the ruling officials, and not the people at all. Our people are poorer than ever. The number of starving has quadrupled. Millions live on the street. The regime itself estimates that “150,000 children live on the streets in Ethiopia, around. 60,000 in Addis Ababa, many arriving from rural areas looking for work”.
Why are we so poor?
Looking at United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Index, we find Ethiopia at 174 out 187, just ahead of 13 countries from the bottom of the table. Examining World Economic Forum’s Global competitive report, we find Ethiopia at 118 out of 133. Transparency International gives 33 points at Corruption Perception Index. The highest is awarded to New Zealand, Finland and Denmark, which is at 90. United Kingdom scores 74, along with Japan, ahead of United States. The lowest score 8, awarded to Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan. Awarding Ethiopia 33 points out of 90 is totally wrong. I would have put the figure at 2, and that is I if I am too generous in marking. “The country has also lost close to 12 billion dollars since 2000 to illicit financial outflows, according to Global Financial Integrity (GFI), whose statistics are based on official data provided by the Ethiopian government, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)”. The State Corruption index of Ethiopia could have been lower than that of the level of Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, but the corruption is concealed, because one would never know where the “government” official activities ends and their business activities start. EFFORT is a business as well as the “Government”.
When it comes to Natural resources, Ethiopia is not poor at all. We have ample water resources, for example. 8/7th of the Water that passes through the Nile Delta of Egypt comes from Ethiopian Highlands. We have mighty rivers everywhere. Baro, Tekeze, Wabi Shebele, Gibe, Awash, … you name it, are some, not to mention lakes everywhere. Truly speaking, Ethiopia is the water bed of Africa. But we suffer from draught and lack of clean drinking waters.
We have Gold, Precious stones but they all belong either to EFFORT or Al Amoudi. We have unexploited oil reserves, that could turn Ethiopia into the economic power of Sub-Saharan Africa, but we don’t have a responsible government that cares for the people. We have so many fertile lands which would have been able not just feed Ethiopia, but the entire Africa. Given her potential agricultural resources, Ethiopia could easily become the bread-basket of the continent of Africa. If you had followed a BBC Television Programme “From Pole To Pole” by Michael Palin, you would truly find why he called Ethiopia the Garden of Eden. From Egypt to the Sudan, it is all desert land. He found life in Ethiopia.
Then what went wrong? To begin with, we have had wars and battles throughout our history. Most of our productive times have been wasted fighting to ward off invaders. Our history tells us that we fought for more than 100 years against the invading Turks, not to mention Italians and other colonialists from Europe. When we are not fighting the invaders then we find ourselves fighting each other as if war was a kind of our national sport. That is all to control power, unlike the incumbent ones, to break up the country. This one is the worst government Ethiopia had ever had. They stand to serve the interest of other countries, rather than their own. One way or another, wars do cost too much and I am not the one to tell you how much it does. You know it firsthand. War on terrorism is mother of all ironies of Ethiopia. The TPLF itself is a terrorist organisation. It is currently bent on terrorising its own people.
To add insult on injury, then there is this occasional draught that used to come every 10 years. We heavily depend on rain water, rather than using the irrigation technology. Have we had peace in the country, even without touching the River Nile, we could have taken out as much water as we wanted for agriculture from the rest of the rivers for irrigation purpose, without igniting the fury of the powerful neighbours and use it to cultivate more than enough crops. The Nile is a controversial river. Whether we like it or not, it may ignite war anytime between Ethiopia and Egypt, if not The Sudan. All the Egyptian Military Might exists, not for anything else, but only one purpose. That is the safeguarding of the free flow of The Nile River. We know that. They know we know that too. That is why Egypt works day and night so that there would be no peace time in Ethiopia.
Then, there is this third element. Everyone that may aspire to come to power is not always just for the sake of seizing power but for the sake of enriching oneself. Yes, we had all corrupt regimes in the past history, but none of them come anywhere near the incumbent regime. Here we are not talking about individual official corruptions, but institutional corruptions, with the mighty force of the government power behind it. Corruptions To continue reading:
The simplest definition of state corruption is the self-enrichment of government officials through the use of the power bestowed on them and state mechanism. In Ethiopia, the TPLF is a mafia type gang that is running its own Mafiosi economic empire, not the country as a legitimate caring government.
The country itself is up for sale, as long as there are buyers out there. That is why people in Gambella were to evicted and their land sold to Indian and Arab, Turkish, Pakistani Billionaires. Recently, the Ethiopian Government refused to cooperate with the World Bank when it was asked to investigate whether the World Bank violated its own policies by funding, in which thousands of people were allegedly relocated to make way for agricultural investors. The British Government actually knowingly or unknowingly funded a programme that evicted the tribes of the Lower Omo Valley in south west Ethiopia – chief among them the Mursi, the Nyangatom, the Bodi and the Daasanach, who depend on a combination of flood retreat cultivation on the banks of the Omo River, rain fed cultivation further back from the river, and cattle on the grass plains, again to make way for foreign agricultural investors. The land of the Amaras, Afars, Oromos and all over the country is up for a grab. Even Egypt secured herself 20, 000 acres of farmland. To imagine this, one acre is about 1 football stadium field. The money from the sale of land, in hard currency goes straight either to the pockets of individuals of those in powers or to the coffers of regime’s private money making institutions, such as the “The Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray”, EFFORT.
Ethiopia is full of ironies. Before the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF) became the “Government”, it was separatist rebel force, just like that of Eritrean Liberation Front with the aim of building the Future Republic of Tigray (dream map shown below). After successfully overthrowing the military regime of Lt Col. Mengistu Hailemariam, guerrilla leaders of TPLF helped Eritrea gain its independence but delayed their own, to finish some unfinished task of dismantling Ethiopia. Then they saw, the opportunity to amass any wealth from the South and move up to the North, to prosper their future Republic of Tigray, their ultimate goal. They never felt belongingness to Ethiopia. The mother of all ironies is that they are ruling the country and the people they hated so much at gun point. Therefore, expecting respect for human right from such a bunch of separatists is like expecting dove from a serpent’s egg. What would the British feels, if IRA end up being in charge of the Westminster to decide on the future of The United Kingdom? I leave that to your imagination.
Then another irony follows. Throughout the history of mankind, governments fought with neighbouring countries to expand their territories, but the government of Ethiopia fights with its own people to give land away to anybody outsider as long as the other party pays. The boarder land with the Sudan, including the birth Place of Emperor Theodros, whose son Prince Alemayehu Theodros’s body is lying right here in Britain at Windsor Castle has been given to the Sudanese after forcefully evicting the inhabitants, under gunpoint. That was in return of the Sudanese assistance while they were fighting the previous regime. A fertile farmland had to be taken away from Ethiopian farmers and given to a neighbouring country. When the Sudanese military came to take over the land, the farmers stood up to protect their property, fighting back bravely. However, their own government attacked them from behind in defence of the alien Sudanese military.
More than half of Ethiopia’s economy belongs to EFFORT, the Private property of Tigrian People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). From the remaining 50%, about 25% belongs to the Sheik Al Amoudi, an Ethiopian born Saudi Billionaire, who does business with them, probably stashing millions of dollars away for them in foreign banks. Then about 12.5% belongs to its satellite parties, while only 12:5% belongs to rest of 90 million people. When the regime declares the fast growing economy of the country, one should understand that actually it is meant the fast bulging pocket of the ruling officials, and not the people at all. Our people are poorer than ever. The number of starving has quadrupled. Millions live on the street. The regime itself estimates that “150,000 children live on the streets in Ethiopia, around. 60,000 in Addis Ababa, many arriving from rural areas looking for work”.
Why are we so poor?
Looking at United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Index, we find Ethiopia at 174 out 187, just ahead of 13 countries from the bottom of the table. Examining World Economic Forum’s Global competitive report, we find Ethiopia at 118 out of 133. Transparency International gives 33 points at Corruption Perception Index. The highest is awarded to New Zealand, Finland and Denmark, which is at 90. United Kingdom scores 74, along with Japan, ahead of United States. The lowest score 8, awarded to Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan. Awarding Ethiopia 33 points out of 90 is totally wrong. I would have put the figure at 2, and that is I if I am too generous in marking. “The country has also lost close to 12 billion dollars since 2000 to illicit financial outflows, according to Global Financial Integrity (GFI), whose statistics are based on official data provided by the Ethiopian government, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)”. The State Corruption index of Ethiopia could have been lower than that of the level of Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, but the corruption is concealed, because one would never know where the “government” official activities ends and their business activities start. EFFORT is a business as well as the “Government”.
When it comes to Natural resources, Ethiopia is not poor at all. We have ample water resources, for example. 8/7th of the Water that passes through the Nile Delta of Egypt comes from Ethiopian Highlands. We have mighty rivers everywhere. Baro, Tekeze, Wabi Shebele, Gibe, Awash, … you name it, are some, not to mention lakes everywhere. Truly speaking, Ethiopia is the water bed of Africa. But we suffer from draught and lack of clean drinking waters.
We have Gold, Precious stones but they all belong either to EFFORT or Al Amoudi. We have unexploited oil reserves, that could turn Ethiopia into the economic power of Sub-Saharan Africa, but we don’t have a responsible government that cares for the people. We have so many fertile lands which would have been able not just feed Ethiopia, but the entire Africa. Given her potential agricultural resources, Ethiopia could easily become the bread-basket of the continent of Africa. If you had followed a BBC Television Programme “From Pole To Pole” by Michael Palin, you would truly find why he called Ethiopia the Garden of Eden. From Egypt to the Sudan, it is all desert land. He found life in Ethiopia.
Then what went wrong? To begin with, we have had wars and battles throughout our history. Most of our productive times have been wasted fighting to ward off invaders. Our history tells us that we fought for more than 100 years against the invading Turks, not to mention Italians and other colonialists from Europe. When we are not fighting the invaders then we find ourselves fighting each other as if war was a kind of our national sport. That is all to control power, unlike the incumbent ones, to break up the country. This one is the worst government Ethiopia had ever had. They stand to serve the interest of other countries, rather than their own. One way or another, wars do cost too much and I am not the one to tell you how much it does. You know it firsthand. War on terrorism is mother of all ironies of Ethiopia. The TPLF itself is a terrorist organisation. It is currently bent on terrorising its own people.
To add insult on injury, then there is this occasional draught that used to come every 10 years. We heavily depend on rain water, rather than using the irrigation technology. Have we had peace in the country, even without touching the River Nile, we could have taken out as much water as we wanted for agriculture from the rest of the rivers for irrigation purpose, without igniting the fury of the powerful neighbours and use it to cultivate more than enough crops. The Nile is a controversial river. Whether we like it or not, it may ignite war anytime between Ethiopia and Egypt, if not The Sudan. All the Egyptian Military Might exists, not for anything else, but only one purpose. That is the safeguarding of the free flow of The Nile River. We know that. They know we know that too. That is why Egypt works day and night so that there would be no peace time in Ethiopia.
Then, there is this third element. Everyone that may aspire to come to power is not always just for the sake of seizing power but for the sake of enriching oneself. Yes, we had all corrupt regimes in the past history, but none of them come anywhere near the incumbent regime. Here we are not talking about individual official corruptions, but institutional corruptions, with the mighty force of the government power behind it. Corruptions To continue reading:
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Brev fra den Etiopiske Journalist Eskinder Nega
By Eskinder Nega
Addis Abeba, Etiopia - Jeg ble fengslet, med rundt 200 andre innsatte, i et bredt hall som ser ut som et lager. For oss alle, er det bare tre toaletter. De fleste av de innsatte sover på gulvet, som aldri har blitt blåst. Rundt 1000 fanger deler liten åpen plass her på Kaliti fengsel. Man kan gjette vår skjebne hvis en smittsom sykdom bryter ut.
Jeg ble arrestert i september 2011 og fengslet i ni måneder før jeg ble funnet skyldig i juni 2012 i henhold til Etiopias altfor bred Anti-Terrorism erklæring, som tilsynelatende dekker "planlegging, forberedelse, konspirasjon, oppvigleri og forsøk" av terrorhandlinger. I realiteten har loven blitt brukt som et påskudd til å fengsle journalister som kritiserer regjeringen. I juli i fjor, ble jeg dømt til 18 års fengsel.
Jeg har aldri konspirerte for å styrte regjeringen, alt jeg gjorde var å rapportere om den Arab Spring og foreslår at noe lignende kan skje i Etiopia hvis det autoritære regimet gjorde ikke reform. Statens viktigste bevis mot meg var en YouTube-video av meg og sa dette på et offentlig møte. Jeg har også våget å stille spørsmål ved regjeringens latterlig påstand om at fengslede journalister var terrorister.
Under det forrige regimet til statsminister Meles Zenawi, ble jeg arrestert. Så var min kone, Serkalem Fasil. Hun fødte vår sønn i fengselet i 2005. (Hun ble løslatt i 2007.) Våre aviser ble stengt i henhold til lover som hevder å bekjempe terrorisme, men egentlig bare munnkurv pressen.
Vi trenger USA for å snakke ut. I den lange marsjen av historie, har minst to poler av tiltrekning og antagonisme vært normen i verdenspolitikken. Sjelden har bare én nasjon bar byrden av lederskap. Den unipolar verden i det 21. århundre, dominerte de siste to tiårene av USA, er et historisk unntak. Og gitt USAs rolle, bærer det et ansvar for å forsvare demokratiet og snakke ut mot de landene som tråkker det.
Jeg husker tydelig den livlige optimisme som rammet USA da Sovjetunionen imploderte i begynnelsen av 1990. Dette var ikke fryd generert av undergang av en uforsonlig fiende, men spenningen spirer av de reelle mulighetene som fremtiden holdt for frihet.
Og ingenting innkapslet ånden av ganger bedre enn ideen om "noe demokrati, ingen hjelp." Demokrati vil ikke lenger være den esoteriske kraft av Vesten, men den allestedsnærværende uttrykk for vår felles menneskelighet.
Men dessverre USAs handlinger har falt langt kort av sine ord. Suspendere hjelpemiddel, som mange diplomater er tilbøyelig til å påpeke, er ikke noe universalmiddel for alle onder i verden. Heller ikke er sanksjoner. Men det er en dårlig unnskyldning for den kynisme som dominerer konvensjonell utenrikspolitikk. Det er plass til transformative syn på diplomati.
Sanksjoner tippet balansen mot apartheid i Sør-Afrika, minoritet styre i Zimbabwe, og militærdiktaturet i Burma. Sanksjoner også buttressed fredelige overganger i disse landene. Uten håp om fredelig løsning innebygd i sanksjonene, ville en nedstigning til vold har vært uunngåelig.
Nå som store deler av Afrika har blitt trygt demokratisk, gamle og skjøre Etiopia, der en prekær diktatur har makt, er farlig ute av sync med tiden.
I mai besøkte USAs utenriksminister, John Kerry, Etiopia og hyllet landets økonomiske vekst. Hans ord viste hvor lite oppmerksomhet han betalte til virkeligheten. Utenriksdepartementets årlige rapport om menneskerettighetene forholdene har vært kritisk til Etiopias regjering siden 2005. Jeg ønsker å tro at rapporten representerer den virkelige holdning av USAs regjering, snarere enn Mr. Kerry ros for våre autoritære ledere.
Ikke mye har forandret seg siden vår siste diktator, Mr. Meles, døde i august i fjor. Det har ikke vært store politiske endringer. Den strenge pressen og antiterrorisme lover er der fortsatt. Det har ikke vært noen bedring når det gjelder pressefrihet.
Med en befolkning nærmer seg med stormskritt 100 millioner, Etiopia, i motsetning til Somalia, er rett og slett for stor til å ignorere eller inneholde med USAs regionale fullmakter.
Som Etiopia går, så går hele Afrikas Horn - en region der ustabilitet kan ha stor sikkerhet og humanitære konsekvenser for USA og Europa. Al-Qaida har en tilstedeværelse her, og hundrevis av millioner av bistand dollar strømme inn i regionen, mens millioner av emigranter strømme ut.
Med andre ord må Etiopia ikke få lov til å implodere. Og det ville være uansvarlig for verdens lone supermakt å stå og gjøre ingenting.
Det er på tide for USA å leve opp til sin historiske løftet ved å iverksette tiltak mot Etiopia, som uvøren regjeringen har siden 2005 vært verdens stjerners frafallen på demokrati.
Jeg foreslår at USA ilegge økonomiske sanksjoner mot Etiopia (mens du fortsetter å utvide humanitær hjelp uten forutsetning) og pålegge reise forbud mot etiopiske tjenestemenn involvert i menneskerettighetsbrudd.
Tyranni er stadig mer uholdbar i denne post-kald-krigen. Det er dømt til å mislykkes. Men det må skubbes å gå ut på scenen med et klynk - ikke bang at ekstremister lenge etter.
Jeg er overbevist om at USA til slutt vil gjøre det rette. Tross alt, er det nye århundret en alder av demokratiet først og fremst på grunn av USA.
Her i den etiopiske gulag, er dette alene grunn nok til å betale hyllest til landet av den modige.
Eskinder Nega, en etiopisk journalist og vinneren av 2012 PEN / Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award, har vært fengslet siden september 2011.
Addis Abeba, Etiopia - Jeg ble fengslet, med rundt 200 andre innsatte, i et bredt hall som ser ut som et lager. For oss alle, er det bare tre toaletter. De fleste av de innsatte sover på gulvet, som aldri har blitt blåst. Rundt 1000 fanger deler liten åpen plass her på Kaliti fengsel. Man kan gjette vår skjebne hvis en smittsom sykdom bryter ut.
Jeg ble arrestert i september 2011 og fengslet i ni måneder før jeg ble funnet skyldig i juni 2012 i henhold til Etiopias altfor bred Anti-Terrorism erklæring, som tilsynelatende dekker "planlegging, forberedelse, konspirasjon, oppvigleri og forsøk" av terrorhandlinger. I realiteten har loven blitt brukt som et påskudd til å fengsle journalister som kritiserer regjeringen. I juli i fjor, ble jeg dømt til 18 års fengsel.
Jeg har aldri konspirerte for å styrte regjeringen, alt jeg gjorde var å rapportere om den Arab Spring og foreslår at noe lignende kan skje i Etiopia hvis det autoritære regimet gjorde ikke reform. Statens viktigste bevis mot meg var en YouTube-video av meg og sa dette på et offentlig møte. Jeg har også våget å stille spørsmål ved regjeringens latterlig påstand om at fengslede journalister var terrorister.
Under det forrige regimet til statsminister Meles Zenawi, ble jeg arrestert. Så var min kone, Serkalem Fasil. Hun fødte vår sønn i fengselet i 2005. (Hun ble løslatt i 2007.) Våre aviser ble stengt i henhold til lover som hevder å bekjempe terrorisme, men egentlig bare munnkurv pressen.
Vi trenger USA for å snakke ut. I den lange marsjen av historie, har minst to poler av tiltrekning og antagonisme vært normen i verdenspolitikken. Sjelden har bare én nasjon bar byrden av lederskap. Den unipolar verden i det 21. århundre, dominerte de siste to tiårene av USA, er et historisk unntak. Og gitt USAs rolle, bærer det et ansvar for å forsvare demokratiet og snakke ut mot de landene som tråkker det.
Jeg husker tydelig den livlige optimisme som rammet USA da Sovjetunionen imploderte i begynnelsen av 1990. Dette var ikke fryd generert av undergang av en uforsonlig fiende, men spenningen spirer av de reelle mulighetene som fremtiden holdt for frihet.
Og ingenting innkapslet ånden av ganger bedre enn ideen om "noe demokrati, ingen hjelp." Demokrati vil ikke lenger være den esoteriske kraft av Vesten, men den allestedsnærværende uttrykk for vår felles menneskelighet.
Men dessverre USAs handlinger har falt langt kort av sine ord. Suspendere hjelpemiddel, som mange diplomater er tilbøyelig til å påpeke, er ikke noe universalmiddel for alle onder i verden. Heller ikke er sanksjoner. Men det er en dårlig unnskyldning for den kynisme som dominerer konvensjonell utenrikspolitikk. Det er plass til transformative syn på diplomati.
Sanksjoner tippet balansen mot apartheid i Sør-Afrika, minoritet styre i Zimbabwe, og militærdiktaturet i Burma. Sanksjoner også buttressed fredelige overganger i disse landene. Uten håp om fredelig løsning innebygd i sanksjonene, ville en nedstigning til vold har vært uunngåelig.
Nå som store deler av Afrika har blitt trygt demokratisk, gamle og skjøre Etiopia, der en prekær diktatur har makt, er farlig ute av sync med tiden.
I mai besøkte USAs utenriksminister, John Kerry, Etiopia og hyllet landets økonomiske vekst. Hans ord viste hvor lite oppmerksomhet han betalte til virkeligheten. Utenriksdepartementets årlige rapport om menneskerettighetene forholdene har vært kritisk til Etiopias regjering siden 2005. Jeg ønsker å tro at rapporten representerer den virkelige holdning av USAs regjering, snarere enn Mr. Kerry ros for våre autoritære ledere.
Ikke mye har forandret seg siden vår siste diktator, Mr. Meles, døde i august i fjor. Det har ikke vært store politiske endringer. Den strenge pressen og antiterrorisme lover er der fortsatt. Det har ikke vært noen bedring når det gjelder pressefrihet.
Med en befolkning nærmer seg med stormskritt 100 millioner, Etiopia, i motsetning til Somalia, er rett og slett for stor til å ignorere eller inneholde med USAs regionale fullmakter.
Som Etiopia går, så går hele Afrikas Horn - en region der ustabilitet kan ha stor sikkerhet og humanitære konsekvenser for USA og Europa. Al-Qaida har en tilstedeværelse her, og hundrevis av millioner av bistand dollar strømme inn i regionen, mens millioner av emigranter strømme ut.
Med andre ord må Etiopia ikke få lov til å implodere. Og det ville være uansvarlig for verdens lone supermakt å stå og gjøre ingenting.
Det er på tide for USA å leve opp til sin historiske løftet ved å iverksette tiltak mot Etiopia, som uvøren regjeringen har siden 2005 vært verdens stjerners frafallen på demokrati.
Jeg foreslår at USA ilegge økonomiske sanksjoner mot Etiopia (mens du fortsetter å utvide humanitær hjelp uten forutsetning) og pålegge reise forbud mot etiopiske tjenestemenn involvert i menneskerettighetsbrudd.
Tyranni er stadig mer uholdbar i denne post-kald-krigen. Det er dømt til å mislykkes. Men det må skubbes å gå ut på scenen med et klynk - ikke bang at ekstremister lenge etter.
Jeg er overbevist om at USA til slutt vil gjøre det rette. Tross alt, er det nye århundret en alder av demokratiet først og fremst på grunn av USA.
Her i den etiopiske gulag, er dette alene grunn nok til å betale hyllest til landet av den modige.
Eskinder Nega, en etiopisk journalist og vinneren av 2012 PEN / Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award, har vært fengslet siden september 2011.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
በቦንድ ሽያጭ ያልተሳካው የገንዘብ ዘረፋ በኮንደሚኒየም ሰበብ መሳካት የለበትም!!!
ወያኔ በጠመንጃ ኃይል ሥልጣን ከተቆጣጠረበት 1983 ጀምሮ በከተሞች አካባቢ ምንም አይነት ሕዝባዊ ተቀባይነት ኖሮት አያውቅም። ለዚህም የሚሰጠው ምክንያት ከተሞች በጠላትነት በተፈረጀው አማራና የቀድሞ ሥርዓት ናፋቂዎች የተሞሉ ስለሆነ ነው ይላል። ዋና ከተማችን አዲስ አበባ በዚህ ውንጀላ ዋጋ ከከፈሉት ከተሞች ግንባር ቀደሟ ናት። በተለይ በመጀመሪያው የወያኔ 10 (አሥር) የሥልጣን አመታት የከተማዋን የነዋሪዎች አሰፋፈር ስብጥር ሆን ብሎ ለመቀየር ከመሞከር ጀምሮ የተለያዩ የአገልግሎት መስጫ ተቋሞችን አቅም ለማዳከም በርካታ አሳዛኝ እርምጃዎች ተወስደዋል።
ታሪክን ወደኋላ መለስ ብለን እንቃኝ። የፋሺስት ጣልያን ጦር በእንግሊዝ ጦር ትብብር በኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ከተደመሰሰ በኋላ በአሸናፊነው ወደከተሞች የገባው የእንግሊዝ ጦር ያገኘውን ንብረት በወቅቱ የቅኝ ግዛቶቹ ወደ ነበሩት ኬንያና ሱማሌ አሽሽቷል። ከብዙ ዓስርተ ዓመታት በኋላ ወያኔ ይህንኑ እኩይ ተግባር ደገመው። ወያኔ በያዛቸው ከተሞች ውስጥ ያገኘኛቸውን ውድ ዋጋና ትላልቅ ጥቅሞች የሚሰጡ በርካታ ንብረቶችን ከተለያዩ መንግሥታዊና ወታደራዊ ተቋሞች፤ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች፤ ሆስፒታሎች፤ ማህበራዊና ኤኮኖሚያዊ አገልግሎት መስጫዎች ዘርፎ እስከዛሬ ትክክለኛ አደራሻው ለሕዝብ ይፋ ወደ አልተደረገ የሰሜን አካባቢ አይናችን እያየ በረጃጅም የጭነት መኪናዎች አጓጉዞአል። በቀድሞ መንግሥት ዘመን ምንም ዕጥረት እንዳልነበረው የሚታወቀውን የንጹህ መጠጥ ውሃ አቅርቦትና የ24 ሰዓት መብራት አገልግሎትን እንኳ ሳይቀር በማስተጓጎል የከተማውን ሕዝብ ተበቅሎአል።
ወያኔ አዲስ አበባ ከተማ ላይ ያለውን ጥላቻ በጥቂቱም ቢሆን ረገብ ያደረገ የሚያስመስል እንቅስቃሴዎችን ማድረግ የጀመረው በሁለት ዋና ዋና ምክንያቶች ነው። አንደኛው ምክንያት በቃኝ የማያውቁት የቀድሞ ተጋዳላዮች የአገሪቱን አንጡራ ሃብት እንዲበዘብዙ በተመቻቸላቸው እድል ዘርፈው የያዙትን ገንዘብ ከውልደታቸው ጀምሮ ከሚታወቁበት አካባቢ ሕዝብ እይታ አርቀው “ለደም ካሳ” በዋና ከተማችን እምብርት በነፃ በታደላቸው የከተማ ቦታዎች ላይ ህንጻዎችን በመገንባት ንብረት እንዲይዙ ሁኔታዎችን ለማመቻቸት ሁለተኛው ምክንያት ደግሞ በርካታ የአለም አቀፍ ድርጅቶችና ዲፕሎማቶች መቀመጫ በሆነቺው አዲስ አበባ ምርጫ 97ን ተከትሎ ገጥሞት የነበረው ሽንፈት ባስከተለው መዘዝ የተበላሸ ገጽታውን በህንጻና መንገዶች ግንባታ ስም ለማሳመር መጣር ናቸው።
የአዲስ አበባ ኮንደሚኒዬም ቤቶቾ ግንባታ ከምርጫ 97 ቦኋላ በመኖሪያ ቤቶች እጥረት የሚሰቃየውን ሕዝብ ልብ ለማማለልና የፖለቲካ ድጋፍ ለመግዛት ያስችላል ተብሎ የታሰበ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሚከተሉት ድብቅ ዓላማዎችም አሉት።
- በዘረፋ የከበሩ የቀድሞ ተጋዳላዮችና የጥቅም ተካፋዮቻቸው አይናቸው ያረፈባቸውን ቁልፍ የመኖሪያና የንግድ ቦታዎች ሁሉ ለዘመናት በባለይዞታነት ይዘው የኖሩትን በልማትና በእንቨስትመንት ሥም በማፈናቀል ወደ ግላቸው ላማዞር ያስችላቸዋል፤
- በተለያዩ ሥም የተቋቋሙ የህንጻ ሥራ ተቋራጭ ድርጅቶቻቸው በግንባታው ሥራ በመሳተፍ መጠነ ሰፊ የሆነ ትርፍ ለማግበስበስ ያመቻቸዋል፤
- የሥርዓቱን ደጋፊዎችና አቀንቃኞች ከሌላ ቦታ አምጥቶ በማስፈር በጠላትነት የተፈረጀውን የኅብረተሰብ ክፍል ተጽዕኖ ለማምከን ይረዳል፤
- በሀብት ዘረፋው ለመሳተፍ እድል የሌላቸው የበታች ካድሬዎችና ታማኝ አገልጋዮችን ተጠቃሚ በማድረግ በአለቆቻቸው ዘረፋ ተማረው ልባቸው እንዳይሸፍት ይከላከላል ፤
- ከተወለዱበትና ካደጉበት የግልና የቀበሌ ቤቶች ያለውደታቸው የተፈናቀሉ ዜጎች የኮኖዶሚኒየሙን ሂሳብ መክፈል እስከቻሉ ድረስ “ከቤታችን ተፈናቅለን ሜዳ ላይ ተጣልን” የሚል እሮሮ በማሰማት መንግስት ላይ አመጽ እንዳያስነሱ ስጋት ለመቀነስ ይረዳል፤
- ከሰሞኑ 40 ከመቶ ተብሎ በወጣው ፖሊሲ እንደታዘብነው ደግሞ ዜጎችን በማጓጓት ተቸግረው ያጠራቀሙትን ገንዘብ ዝግ የባንክ ሂሳብ ውስጥ እንዲከቱ በማድረግ የገንዘብ እጥረት አንገቱ ድረስ የዘለቀውን አገዛዝ ለመታደግ ያስችላል (በ16 የሥራ ቀናት ብቻ ከተመዘገበው 750, 000 የኮንዶሚንዬም ቤት አመልካች 750 000 000 (ሰባት መቶ ሃምሳ ሚሊዮን) ብር መሰብሰቡን ልብ ይሏል)
ከዚህም በተጨማሪ የኮንደሚኒዬም ቤቶች ግንባታ በቂ ጥናትና ዝግጅት ያልተደረገበት የይድረስ ይድረስ ሥራ መሆኑን የቤቶቹ ርክክብ በተፈጸመ ማግሥት ስለ ህንጻው መሬት ውስጥ መስጠምና መጣመም መጀመር እየወጥ ያሉ ዜገባዎች ዋቤ ምስክር ናቸው።
የወያኔ መሪዎችና ታማኝ አገልጋዮቻቸው ከኮንደሚኒዬም ግንባታ በተጨማሪ ከምርጫ 97 ወዲህ ከፍተኛ ገንዘብ እያግበሰበሱ ያሉት የከተማ ቦታዎችን በውድ ዋጋ የልጅ ልጆቻቸው እንኳ ሊደርሱበት ለማይችል የግዜ ገደብ በሊዝ በመቸብቸብ ነው። በዚህ የመሬት ቅሪሚያ አንዳንድ ስግብግቦች “የአባትህ ቤት ሲዘረፍ አብረህ ዝረፍ” እንዲሉ “ወያኔዎች መሬታችንን እየተቀራመቱ ስለሆነ ተሻምተን ማስቆም አለብን” በሚል ብልጣ ብልጥነት ከሚኖሩበት የስደት አገር እየተጓዙ የወያኔን ገቢያ በማድራት ላይ መሆናቸውን የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በትዝብት ተመልክቶአል። አገርን ዘርፎ ለዘራፊ እየሰጠ ያለ መንግሥት ሴራ ተባባሪ መሆን በሞራልም ሆነ በህሊና ዳኝነት የሚያስጠይቅ ወንጀል መሆኑ ሳያንስ እነዚህ በስግብግብነት የተጠመዱ ወገኖች ለንብረታቸው ደህንነት ሲባል ወያኔ ዓይናቸው እያየ ጆሮአቸው እየሰማ በሌሎች ወገኖቻቸው ላይ የሚፈጽማቸውን ሰቆቃዎች እንኳ ለመቃወም ድፍረት በማጣት ሌላ ትዝብት ውስጥ ሲወድቁ ተስተውለዋል:: ለመሆኑ እነዚህ ወገኖች ለፍተው ባገኙት ገንዘብ የገዙት ባርነትን ነው ወይስ የንብረት ባለቤትነትን ለሚለው ጥያቄ ምላሽ ይኖራቸዋል?
የዜጎች መብት በተከበረበት አገር ከዜግነት መብቶች አንዱ የግል ሀብት ባለቤት ለመሆን ገደብ የሌለው ነፃነትና እድል መኖሩ ነው:: ወያኔ በሚያስተዳድራት ኢትዮጵያችን ግን የንብረት ባለቤት ለመሆን የሥርዓቱ ባለሟል መሆን አለያም ከፖለቲካ ባላንጣነት መራቅ ዋና መስፈርት ናቸው። በዚህ መስፈርት ከወያኔ ጋር ተሻምተው ወይም ተሻርከው የንብረት ባለቤት ለመሆን እየተሽቀዳደሙ ያሉ ወገኖች ሊያውቁት የሚገባው ሃቅ ቢኖር አድሎአዊነት በሰፈነበት መንገድ የተገኘ ማንኛውም አይነት ሀብት ወይም ንብረት ወደፊት በወያኔ ከርሰ መቃብር ላይ በሚመሰረተው ዲሞክራሲያዊት ኢትዮጵያ ህገዊ ጥበቃ የሚኖረው አለመሆኑን ነው። ብሄራው የአገር ጥቅም ላይ ክህደት ከፈጸመ ፤ ዜጎችን በማፈን ሰቆቃ ካደረሰ ፤ የአገሪቷን ዜጎች ከቤት ንብረታቸው በማፈናቀል መሬታቸውን ቀምቶ ለሌሎች አሳልፎ ከሰጠ ፤ የመንግሥትና የሕዝብ ሀብት ዘርፎ ለዘራፍ ከሰጠ ወንጀለኛ መንግሥት ጉያ ውስጥ ተወሽቆ እስከ ወዲያኛው የህግ ጥበቃ ሊደረግለት የሚችል ንብረት ባለቤት መሆን ማሰብ እጅግ ይቸግራል። ዜጎች በራሳቸው ወዝ ለፍተው ያገኙትን ንብረት ሳይቀር በፖለቲካ አስተሳሰባቸው ምክንያት ብቻ በሽብርተኝነት እየፈርጀ የሚነጥቅ ሥርዓት ዕድሜ እንደምንጠብቀው ረዥም ሊሆን እንደማይችል ማሰብ ብልህነት ነው።
ግንቦት 7 የፍትህ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ የወያኔ አገዛዝ በውጭው ዓለም በስደት ከሚኖረው ወገናችን በአባይ ግድብ የቦንድ ሺያጭ ሥም ለመሰብሰብ ሞክሮ ያልተሳካለትን ገንዘብ በመሬት ሺያጭ እና በኮንደሚኒዬም ቤት ግዥ ሥም እንዲያገኝ ሊፈቀድለት አይገባም ብሎ ያምናል:: ስለዚህም እያንዳንዱ ነፃነት ናፋቂ ኢትዮጵያዊ ከዚህ ከኮንደሚኒዬም ቤቶች በስተጀርባ ያለውን ድብቅ አጀንዳ በማጋለጥ ጥረቱን በማምከን የሕዝባዊ እምብተኝነት ትግል አካል እንዲሆን ግንቦት 7 የትግል ጥሪውን ያስተላልፋል።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ
Sunday, July 14, 2013
A bullet is added by proclamation to atrocities and Human right abuses in Ethiopia
July 13, 2013
by Berhanu Tesfaye
The human right abuse and atrocities in Ethiopia was guided by enforcing the fiasco proclamations of the Civil Societies, anti terrorism and press law that attack every citizen from different angles and the results were the imprisonment of political activists, journalists and religion leaders. Nominating and placing of religious leaders against the will of the believers for both religions.
The TPLF led administration had closed the free press (326 in 2003 and now 32 in 2013 printed materials) and control the people of Ethiopia by organizing people five in one overseen by the members of the party and taping telephone lines inside (VOIP) and allocating millions of tax payers and aid money for spies abroad to oversee the activities of the Diaspora. Forbidding people not to contact, have tea or coffee with members that are suspected by TPLF as core oppositions since they are terrorist.
Extra judicial killing, torturing, harassment and displacement from jobs for those who are not from Tigrai and their affiliates are day to day activities. Moreover to have the advantage members of other ethnic groups should breath with the lungs of TPLF or have to be members of EPRDF and its affiliated parties. These atrocities are recorded and reported from different organizations who reside inside and outside of Ethiopia and some international organizations and governments have also urged the TPLF led government to release all political prisoners, abide its own constitution and respect human rights and stop to interfere as per se.
But what I heard yesterday in the nation’s radio the private property of TPLF led EPRDF government is shocking. The parliament (545 of 547 seats belong to TPLF EPRDF and its affiliates) discussed and seconded a new proclamation awarding the security department and its members not to be accused or requested in any deeds they perform including if a person dies in due time they will not be questioned or asked.
This proclamation is an extension of what happened in December 13, 2003 in Gambella where 424 were massacred in daylight, peasants in Loqe (southern region near Awasa) were killed for asking their rights, 199 persons killed in Addis Ababa after 2005 election and the bombing of Ogaden region.. Moreover nothing is done about ethnic based displacement of the Amharas from Southern region, Benshangul Gumuz and other localities. What was done is only lip service for international community consumptions saying they are returned to the displaced areas in Benshangul region not in others. The commuter of such atrocities are breathing and in some high posts without taking responsibilities of their act.
The drama of TPLF is the same old trick to fool international community who handout them bilateral and aid donations by allowing a fiasco election drama.
One can research the number of MPs in the fiasco parliament (1995-2000 only 12 of which 8 private and 4 opposition, 2000-2005 23 of which 10 private and 13 from oppositions,2005-2010 137 of which one private and 2010-2005 only 2 one from opposition parties).
The situation in 2005 election was different due to the sky rocketed anticipation of TPLF led EPRDF having over confidence about its constituents. But the contest was heated and ballot rigging were well recorded but the last result was to jail elected members of the oppositions.
Such abuse of authority by the ruling TPLF led EPRDF was not improved in the next election period but it was planned to bring the parliament back to square one (1995 election). The following numbers of MP clearly justify the fact (1995 535MPs, 2000 524 MPs, 2005 410 and now 2010 545 MPs out of 547 seats.
To whom are MPs accountable in Ethiopia? To run for MP in Ethiopia does not need to have capacity, capability or delegation from the constituents but the only criteria is to be loyal to TPLF or to be bottled with ideology of revolutionary democracy. This leads to the situation the parliament is breathing with the lungs of their bottling factory TPLF.
Any drafts that are presented by TPLF do not need discussion by members of the MPs but just to raise hands and rubber stamp it. The result one against and the rest for based on the numbers who are available in that particular session.
It is this scenario in a country where all human rights articles are included in the constitution as alphabets and also ratified all international conventions to fight for human rights abuses but voting for a proclamation that allow the security forces to do whatever they like including ransacking, abusing and killing and not asked for such acts commuted.
This proclamation is a blank check for all the members of the police, military and security who killed, raped and tortured Ethiopians for the last 22 years and is also allowing them commute it again and again till TPLF led government is in power.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Amnesty International in Canada launched petition campaign to the release of Eskinder Nega
July 6, 2013
Eskinder Nega: Journalist unjustly jailed in Ethiopia
Please add your name to Amnesty International’s petition to the Ethiopian authorities to release Eskinder Nega immediately.
Eskinder’s story
Eskinder Nega is an Ethiopian journalist and human rights activist.
Eskinder has been subjected to outrageous injustices. He was sentenced to 18 years in jail for writing articles calling for freedom of expression and an end to torture in Ethiopia.
Sadly, this is not the first time that Eskinder has been jailed for his activism. Eskinder and his wife, Serkalem, a newspaper publisher, were previously jailed for speaking out against the government in 2005 and released in 2007 after continued campaigning by Amnesty International.
His previous arrest came after the Ethiopian government ordered a violent crackdown on post-election protests in 2005. Security forces reportedly killed nearly two hundred people. Eskinder and Serkalem wrote and published articles criticizing the government’s actions. For this, they were both arrested and put in prison.Their son, Nafkot, was born in that prison.
For Eskinder, this was one more brutal act of oppression in a life spent being hounded by his government for defending human rights. Few families have sacrificed more for their people.
In recent years, the Ethiopian government has clamped down alarmingly on its citizens for speaking out. According to Serkalem, “freedom of expression and press freedoms are at their lowest point.” Now the regime has enacted a “terrorism” law that they use to silence anybody critical of them.
They used these laws to threaten Eskinder. To ban him from writing. To force Serkalem to stop publishing. To terrorize their family and threaten Eskinder with the death penalty.
And now – to arrest Eskinder alongside many other prominent journalists.
Amnesty International believes Eskinder Nega is a prisoner of conscience detailed solely for his peaceful and legitimate activities as a journalist. Join our call for his immediate release.
Human Rights in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, the authorities routinely use criminal charges and accusations of terrorism to silence dissenters. Repression of freedom of expression has increased alarmingly in recent years. The Ethiopian government has systematically taken steps to crush dissent in the country by jailing opposition members and journalists, firing on unarmed protesters, and using state resources to undermine political opposition. More than a hundred other Ethiopians, including nine journalists, were charged under the antiterrorism law. About 150 Ethiopian journalists live in exile — more than from any other country in the world.
Use this form to add your name to Amnesty’s call for the Ethiopian government to immediately and unconditionally release Eskinder Nega from prison.
What else you can do
Write a letter
Write a polite letter in your words directly to Ethiopia urging the release of Eskinder. In your letter you can address some of the following points:
- Release Eskinder Nega immediately and unconditionally on the grounds that he is a prisoner of conscience
- Reunite his family and allow him to return to his work as a journalist
- Until he is free he must be protected from torture and other ill-treatment
- He should also have regular access to his lawyer, family, and to any medical care he may require
Address your letter to:
Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn
P.O. Box 1031
Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa
Minister of Justice, Berhan Hailu
P.O. Box 1370
Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
የአብዬን ወደ እምዬ
ወያኔና ከወያኔ አፍ የሰሙትን ሁሉ እንደበቀቀን እየደጋገሙ የሚያነበንቡ ሎሌዎች የራሳቸውን መልክ የሚያዩበት መስታወት የተቸገሩ ይመስላል። ወየኔና ሎሌዎቹ እራሳቸውን ማየት ስለተሳናቸው ህዝብም ልክ እንደ እነሱ ኣራሱን የማያይና እነሱንና እኩይ ስራቸዉን የማያዉቅ እየመሰላቸው ሄዷል፡፡ ለዚህም ነዉ በግፈኛ አገዛዛቸው ተንገፍግፎ የሚቃወማቸውን ሁሉ ጥላሸት ለመቀባትና በራሳቸው ስም ለመጥራት ሲንጠራሩ የሚታዩት።
የወያኔ ዘረኞች የኢትዮጵያን ተቃዋሚ ኃይሎች በሙሉ በፀረ-ኢትዮጵያዊነትና የአገርን ጥቅም ለባዕድ አሳልፎ በመሸጥ ሲከስሱ ስንሰማ አይናቸዉንና ፊታቸዉን ታጥበዉ አይነ ደረቅ ለመመሰል ስንት ኪሎ ጨው እንደፈጀባቸዉ መገመት ያዳግታል።
በአገራችን ታሪክ ውስጥ እንደወያኔ በኢትዮጵያ ህልውናና በወሳኝና ዘላቂ ጥቅሞቿ ላይ የዘመተ ኃይል ኖሮም ተፈጥሮም አያውቅም። ለመሆኑ በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የጀግኖች አባቶቻችን አጽም ያረፈበትን መሬት በስጦታ ለጎረቤት አገር እናካችሁ ብሎ የሰጠ ማነዉ? ማነው በሽፍትነት ዘመኑ ለተደረገለት ውለታና ተቀናቃኞቹን እንዲጠብቁለት በማሰብ የኢትዮጵያን ድንበር እንደ ዳቦ እየገመሰ ለባዕዳን የሸጠው?
ማነው የገዛ ወገኑን ከአያት ቅድመ አያት አጽመ ርስቱ ላይ እያፈናቀለ አንድ ሲኒ ቡና በማይገዛ ገንዛብ ለምለም መሬታችንን ለባእዳን የሚያቀራምተው? ማነው በህዝብ ስም በልመናና በችሮታ የተገኘን ገንዘብ እየዘረፈ ከአገርና ከህዝብ ደብቆ የባእድ አገር ባንኮችን የሚያደልበው? ኢትዮጵያ በሶማሊያ በተወረረችበት በ1970ዎቹ አመታት የሞቃዲሾን ፓስፖርት ተሸክመው ይንጎማለሉ የነበሩት የዛሬዎቹ የወያኔ አለቆች መሆናቸውን የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ገና አልረሳዉምኮ!
የዛሬዎቹ የወያኔ መሪዎች ትናንት የኢትዮጵያን ሰላምና አንድነት ማየት ከማይፈልጉ የመካከለኛው ምስራቅ አገሮች ጋር እጅና ጓንት ሆነዉ የኛን የጎሳ ድርጅት እስከረዳችሁ ድረስ ኢትዮጵያን እናደክምላችኋለን የሚሉ ጸረ አገርና ጸረ ህዝቦች ነበሩ።እነዚህ የለየላቸዉ ከሀዲዎች ዛሬ አይናቸዉን በጨው አጥበዉ እራሳቸዉን የኢትዮጵያ ጥቅም አስከባሪ ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ነጻነትና ለአገር አንድነት መከበር የሚታገሉትን ዉድ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች የአገር ጠላት ብሎ ለመጥራት የሚያበቃ የሰናፍጭ ቅንጣት የሚያክል የሞራል ብቃት የላቸውም።
ወያኔዎች ስልጣን በያዙ ማግስት በጻፉትና እነሱን ሲጠቅም በሚጠቅሱት አገርንና ህዝብን ሲጠቅም ግን እየዳጡ በሚያልፉት ህገመንግስት ዉስጥ ደደቢት በረሃ የወሰዳቸዉን ዋነኛ አላማ መገነጣጠልን እንደ አገር ጥቅም በጹሁፍ ካልሰፈረ ብለው ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ ሲሉ የነበሩበትን ጊዜ እኛ የኢትዮጵያ ነገር የሚቆረቁረን ወገኖች አልረሳነውም። ለመሆኑ ሌሎችን በጸረ-ኢትዮጵያዊነት የሚከሰው ወያኔ እውነት ኢትዮጵያን ከወደደ መገነጣጠልን ለምን ተመኘላት? መገነጣጠልን የመሰለ አደጋ እንደ ብሔራዊ የአገር ጥቅም አይቶ የራሱን ምኞት በህግመንግስት ደረጃ ያጸደቀዉ ወያኔ እንዴት ሆኖ ነው ለኢትዮጵያ አንድነትና ክብር የሚጋደሉና የሚታገሉ ልጆቿን በሀገር ጠላትነት የሚከስሰው? የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ከወያኔ ጋር የሚደረገዉን ትግል ከመብትና ከነጻነት ትግል ባሻገር እንደ አገር አድን ትግል አድርጎ የሚመለከተዉ ይህንኑ ወያኔ በአገራችን ብሄራዊ ጥቅሞች ላይ በተደጋጋሚ ያሳየዉን ጠላትነት በመገንዘብ ነዉ።
የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ወያኔ ተቃዋሚ ኃይሎችን በጅምላ የአገር ጠላት ለማስመሰል በሚቆጣጠራቸዉ የመገናኛ አዉታሮችና በታማኝ ሎሌዎቹ በኩል የጀመረዉን የስም ማጥፋት ዘመቻ ከወዲሁ ተረድቶ “የአብዬን ወደ እምዬ” ብሎ ትግሉን ከቀጠለ ዉሎ አድሯል። ወያኔና ለሆዳቸው ያደሩ ሎሌዎች ሁለመናቸውን የወረሰውን የፀረ-ህዝብና ጸረ ኢትዮጵያዊነት እከክ ማንም ላይ ማራገፍ አይችሉም። ድፍን ኢትዮጵያ ማንነታቸውን አሳምሮ ያውቃልና።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ!!
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